CY Business insights: Robots bricklaying & Food supply challenges

This month CY met clients at the annual NEC Build Show which was, as usual, a very upbeat event.  We were most impressed by the mesmorising simulation of a robot laying bricks, demonstrating exceptional precision and speed. We also enjoyed the champagne celebration of Rawplug reaching 100 year anniversary, a product well known to all DIY enthusiasts as well as the construction industry. Amazing to think this product started life in 1919 and also interesting to read about the Company’s most impressive evolution.

Last week we were very pleased to attend the Annual Conference of one of our food producer clients. Their Directors gave most impressive presentations outlining their continuing growth plans regardless of Brexit. One of their own customers, a high street food chain,  also explained how consumer demand can soar unexpectedly, eg with the release of a really popular film release in the cinema down the street, resulting in big fluxs in demand for food manufacturers  and challenges for our client in fulfilling this. The overarching theme of the Conference was the importance of customers and suppliers working together to achieve overall objectives, an approach we here at CY are very happy to support.  

Forget about Brexit, the weather is of more immediate concern to many businesses in this area. The relentlessly wet Autumn is having a very serious effect on agricultural crop production. Potato crops have been lost in the mud and next year’s cereal crops cannot be planted.

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16th October