
Search & Selection


Placements with passion

Building your senior team

Search and selection recruitment

Having a well-balanced leadership team is a critical part of any successful organisation. With extensive experience working alongside the c-suite of multiple organisations we're able to support you in identifying and securing the right people. Our proven executive search and selection process provides extensive support to those looking to hire senior individuals, directors and make board-level appointments. Working in confidence, we approach the market on your behalf and engage the top percentage of professionals who meet your criteria.

How we work

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Our search campaigns are perfectly suited for clients looking to make key and strategic appointments. From our pre-search due diligence and briefing sessions to talent mapping and benchmarking, our search and selection consultants run a rigorous recruitment campaign to find you the very best talent.

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The success of a senior search comes down to the approach. At CYER, we have established a unique 6-stage process that guides a prospect candidate from initial contact through to a committed application. With the majority of stakeholders being time-poor our process streamlines the initial approach and discovery phases, enabling more time to be spent on interviews with you and your business. Our clients are given access to detailed progress reports for every stage of the process, ensuring total transparency from all parties. To receive a proposal for your search, without obligation, get in touch.

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If required, CYER can provide additional support with psychometric evaluations and leadership assessments as part of the search process. Find out more about our psychometric profiling service.